Robotics Questions: Please Answer

 Good afternoon MXS Robotics Team Members!  Please answer the following questions asap.   Thank you!

  • What is the biggest challenge to working with robotics?

  • What types of jobs would be interesting for someone interested in robotics?

  • What was the biggest surprise? Etc.


  1. One of the biggest challenges i faced in robotics was commitment, choosing this project requires a lot of patience and commitment so that we can actually make steps forward. Going from robotics I think that engineering would be a good career path tho follow. One of the biggest surprises from robotics was the competitions, seeing how many other kids love the same thing as you and also how many people come out to support their teams.

  2. The biggest problem we encountered as a team was in cooperating all our ideas in the limited time frame we were provided with. We also encountered building constraints and functionality problems.

    Some types of jobs that would be interesting for interested in robotics are engineers, safety managers, software manager and more.

    The biggest surprise for me personally was the amount of help we got at the competition despite the competitive environment. Every team was willing to help us perform at our very best.

  3. One of the challenges I faced while being on the robotics team was tine management because I do sports and other activities that interfered with robotics. I would suggest doing engineering for someone who likes working with robots or is on the robotics team. The biggest surprise was watching the robot that we built and programs work and compete against other robots. For me that was an exciting moment because we didn’t let our hard work go to waste and we got to experience another year at competitions.

  4. One of the biggest challenges I faced in robotics was keeping up with the information given to us. Because we are a new team, we had more to learn than a lot of older teams. So while it qas fun being able to build and make connections, retaining information on how the robot is built and why it's designed a certain way was really difficult. A good job that could come from working in robotics is IT. The coding aspect specifically is good for those kind if jobs. Something that really surprised me is how much the other robotics teams are willing to help newer teams with their robot and any advice they might need for the future.

  5. The biggest challenge working with robotics would be figuring out problems that may occur with our creations. Some times It May be hard figuring out but with the help of all of us combined, we are able to figure it out sooner. types of jobs that would be interesting for someone interested in robotics would be the engineering route. The biggest surprise would be seeing our creation in action. It makes you realize, “woah I made that?!” It is wonderful being able to see your hardwork finally come about.

  6. Being part of the robotics team presented a fair share of challenges, especially due to the limited space and time we had to work with. Nonetheless, we managed to overcome these obstacles and built a functional robot that we were proud of. I think for people passionate about robotics, companies like Tesla, SpaceX, and NASA would be cool and offer exciting opportunities. The most surprising thing I learned during my time in robotics was how motors worked. It felt like the motors were the limbs of the robot and enabled it to function effectively.

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